viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

For Ellie

Since the blouse was meant for Ellie, this post will be in English so Ellie's mama can read it ;) I didn't want to publish this until the package has arrived it's destination.

Ellie's mama sent me a great gift: the Little Stylish book for kids, which is amazing! I want to sew practically all the patterns. 

So the first thing to do was of course, try the book on my little niece who is, by the way, almost the same age as my Natalia so that turns out well, I might do the exact same model again... I chose model M:

I cut it on size 3 hoping it would be enough and it actually seemed big enough while cutting and sewing; only when I finished and tried it on my little model, the blouse was a tiny bit tight!!! I sent it as fast as I could since I know how fast the little ones grow and how slow can the mail be, but it's not going to Mexico, so it will make it for 2014 ;)
I have to say it was not as easy as I thought, I blame the interface. But otherwise I loved this model and as I said, maybe I'll do the same blouse for my little one once I'm done with my next skirt. 

Thank you very much for the book, I loved it! and this is my way of saying thank you again. I hope to see you all soon!

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